Deadlift - Builds strong biceps femoris and sacrospinalis muscles

If you want strong biceps femoris and sacrospinalis muscles, the deadlift is the one to do. Compared with barbell squats, the deadlift process is simpler. There are only two possibilities - to pull up or not to pull up, and you don't have to worry about the barbell hitting you.

For deadlifts, the barbell must be pulled until the knee joints are straight and the shoulder joints are shrugged. Even though it's hard to do, you'll find yourself getting stronger after a while.

During the deadlift, the back must be kept straight and the sacrospinalis muscles fully contracted to reduce the pressure on the spine. This is difficult to do, but you have to do it if you don't want to get hurt.

Squat behind the barbell, straighten your chest, straighten your waist, lift your hips, hold the barbell in your hands, and use your heels as the support point. Pull the sacrospinalis muscle up hard. Comparing the starting positions of squats and deadlifts, you will find that in both cases, the thighs are parallel to the ground, the knees are above the toes, and both rely on the strength of the gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles. When deadlifting, you are required to "sit" as far back as possible. If the body leans too far forward, the toes will become a supporting point, which will use the soleus muscle to borrow force, and the pressure will be mainly concentrated on the shoulders, making them prone to injury.

During training, you can stand with both feet on the barbell plates, which can increase the distance of work and greatly enhance the training effect. But don't do it every time, do it every few weeks. For safety reasons, you can choose a hard wooden block 5-7.5 cm thick instead. It is best to wear a pair of leather tennis shoes. Of course, high-heeled rubber-soled training shoes are also acceptable, which can increase the range of motion.

If you have difficulty lifting the bar, it means that the leg muscles are slightly weaker than the sacrospinalis muscles, and you should strengthen the training of the leg muscles. If you feel that your weakness lies in the straight knees and shoulder shrugs at the end of the movement, you can install a protective bar on the power rack to strengthen the sacrospinalis muscles.

You can build big muscles with heavy weights. When training, you should imagine yourself as a bodybuilding champion and focus on the target muscles.

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